On Saturday, December 14, 2024 members of Twomey Latham, along with family and friends, participated in the Polar Bear Plunge for Heart of the Hamptons at Coopers Beach in Southampton, NY. This was the 20th consecutive year the Firm participated in this fundraiser. Over 300 people took the plunge and more than 800 people came out to support them!
All proceeds directly benefit Heart of the Hamptons’ year-round Food Pantry and Assistance Programs, that currently serve more than 2,800 families in the Town of Southampton. The generosity from donors allows Heart of the Hamptons to bring relief to our neighbors in need, whether it is providing food for a local family, medical transportation for cancer patients, or assisting with rent gaps and utility bills.
Pictured above: The Twomey Latham Nanooks (Photo courtesy of Dana Shaw, The Southampton Press)