If you own a small business, you will likely invest money, energy and time into marketing and branding that business. Do not get blindsided by failing to protect your name and brand by federally registering your trademark. If you do not do the research to determine...
News & Insights
Updates and achievements regarding the firm and our partners, as well as observations and analysis on the laws and legislation affecting our community.
Bryan Drago Elevated to Partner
Twomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Quartararo, LLP has announced that Bryan Drago has been elevated to Partner. Mr. Drago’s legal practice focuses on estate planning, taxation, charitable giving and tax-exempt organizations, business succession planning, as...
Court Declares Invalid East Hampton Village Law Outlawing Outdoor Tented Events At Inns
In a sweeping 12 page decision the Suffolk County Supreme Court has invalidated a controversial Village Law that was challenged by the Hedges Inn. The law, enacted in 2018 prohibited local inns, such as the Hedges Inn, which are pre-existing non-conforming uses in...
Commercial Properties: Leases, COVID-19 And Force Majeure
To gain expert advice on how force majeure and impossibility or impracticality to perform impact commercial leases as a result of COVID-19, John A. Viteritti, of Hamptons.com, spoke with Joan Morgan McGivern, of Counsel with the firm. Learn More
2020 Heart of the Hamptons Polar Plunge
Members of the firm, along with family and friends, participated in the 17th annual Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, December 12 to support Heart of the Hamptons. The "Twomey Latham Nanuks" raised $3,675, placing the firm fourth on the leaderboard, and the event...
2020 Polar Plunge – Heart of the Hamptons
The Twomey Latham Nanuks will once again be participating in the Heart of the Hamptons 17th Annual Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, Dec. 12, at 9:30 am at Coopers Beach in Southampton Village. Since the first Polar Bear Plunge in 2004, the event has raised more than...
Village of Sag Harbor Has Enacted A 6 Month Moratorium on All Site Plans, Special Exception Use Permits, and Subdivision For Properties On and Near The Waterfront Area
PUBLIC NOTICE LL # 7 of 2020 Waterfront Moratorium[2] PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Sagaponack on the 16th day of November, 2020 adopted the following Local Law: LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 2020 A LOCAL LAW ENACTING VILLAGE CODE §...
Jeffrey Pagano Speaks on NYS Sick Leave Law on BronxNet’s “OPEN”
Partner Jeffery Pagano appeared on the BronxNet TV show “OPEN” on November 4 to discuss the New York State Sick Leave Law, which went into effect on September 30, 2020. Mr. Pagano explained how much sick time companies should offer their employees, and if it should be...
Scott Handwerker Joins the Firm as Of Counsel
Twomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Quartararo, LLP has announced that Scott Handwerker has joined the Firm as Of Counsel. Mr. Handwerker concentrates his practice in corporate law, emerging growth companies, mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) and private...
Twomey Latham Welcomes Associate Martha F. Reichert
Twomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Quartararo, LLP has announced that Martha Reichert has joined the Firm as an Associate. Ms. Reichert concentrates her practice in real estate and land use. She has extensive experience appearing before municipal and regulatory...
New York Paid Sick Leave Law
Effective September 30, 2020, all New York State employers will have to comply with the requirements of the New York Sick Leave law introduced as part of the New York 2021 Budget. New York employers will be required to provide at least one hour of paid or unpaid sick...
Bernadette E. Tuthill Receives LIBN’s Leadership Excellence Award
Bernadette E. Tuthill, a partner with the Firm, received the Leadership Excellence Award from Long Island Business News during its Corporate Citizenship Awards, which took place in a virtual ceremony on September 15. The award is presented to someone who makes...