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News & Insights

Update on Corporate Transparency Act Enforcement

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT | By: | January 9, 2025

As of December 26, 2024, reporting companies are not required to submit beneficial ownership information reports (“BOIRs”) with FinCEN, nor will they face penalties for failing to do so while the injunction remains in place. However, businesses can still voluntarily...

Tanking it, to give early-stage entrepreneurs a chance

INSIGHTS | By: | October 27, 2023

After years of watching “Shark Tank,” I’m taking a shot at sharkdom next week, as a judge for the Stony Brook University College of Business pitch-fest known as “WolfieTank.” Offering legal perspectives on big ideas is not as sexy as offering a wad of cash, but any...

Firm Successfully Defends Seller of Shopping Center Accused of Fraud

NEWS | February 17, 2022

Senior Partner David M. Dubin and Partner Kathryn Dalli successfully represented the seller of a commercial shopping center in Farmingville where the purchaser filed an action in Supreme Court, Suffolk County alleging fraud, aiding and abetting fraud and piercing the...

When Is A Stranger Not A Stranger?

INSIGHTS | By: | October 15, 2021

In a landmark decision from the Appellate Division Second Department, Partner, Christopher Kelley achieved a winning result for our client establishing in a case of first impression who really is a “stranger” when considering the “Stranger To The Deed rule.”  The...

The Costs of Not Protecting Your Brand

INSIGHTS | By: | March 10, 2021

If you own a small business, you will likely invest money, energy and time into marketing and branding that business.  Do not get blindsided by failing to protect your name and brand by federally registering your trademark.  If you do not do the research to determine...
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