Updates and achievements regarding the firm and our partners, as well as observations and analysis on the laws and legislation affecting our community.

Historic New Copyright Act Signed Into Law

Historic New Copyright Act Signed Into Law

The Orrin G. Hatch – Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act was enacted by Congress and signed into law on October 11, 2018. This welcome and significant law was unanimously enacted by Congress after years of effort by many to update music licensing to better...

Twomey Latham Sponsors Breakfast Forum With Sheriff Errol Toulon

Twomey Latham Sponsors Breakfast Forum With Sheriff Errol Toulon

On Friday, September 7th, LIMBA hosted a breakfast forum with Suffolk County Sheriff Errol Toulon, which was co-sponsored by Twomey Latham.  Partners Reza Ebrahimi, Bryan Van Cott and Patrick Fife, and Senior Associate Craig Handler attended the event. Sheriff Toulon...

Estate Planning Opportunities with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

In my last article I wrote about the numerous reasons estate planning is important outside of estate tax planning, in light of the recent doubling of the federal estate tax exemption as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This article is devoted to the other end of the...

Creativity & The Law:  How Copyright Laws Protect Your Work

Creativity & The Law: How Copyright Laws Protect Your Work

HAH - K. Dalli July Article For many people involved in creative pursuits, knowing how to protect the work is important.  Although it may seem daunting, the good news is that it’s really a lot simpler than it might first appear. For starters, the way in which...

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