INSIGHTS | By: John F. Shea | August 6, 2019
While City landlords were infuriated by certain provisions of the recently enacted Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 applicable to long term urban rentals, local landlords should be aware that important aspects of the legislation apply statewide....
INSIGHTS | By: | January 28, 2019
Three years after its adoption of legislation banning short-term rentals in Southold, and after extensive review and revision to address public concerns, the town board adopted a new Rental Permit Code at its December 18, 2018 meeting. The ban on renting homes for...
INSIGHTS | By: | January 22, 2019
An October 2018 New York State Supreme Court, Suffolk County decision setting aside a 2017 Southampton Village Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board decision approving a nearly 15,000 square foot house on Gin Lane may have considerable impacts on...
INSIGHTS | By: | January 21, 2018
On December 5, 2017, the Suffolk County Legislature passed legislation amending the Suffolk County Sanitary Code, which imposes new requirements on wastewater management intended to improve water quality throughout Suffolk County. Executive Steve Bellone signed the...
INSIGHTS | By: David M. Dubin | May 16, 2017
On April 13, 2017, the Southampton Village Trustees amended Village Code Section 116-17.1(E). The intent of the Village Code change is to reduce the maximum permitted total gross floor area for dwellings on lots located within Residence Zoning Districts R-40, R-20,...
INSIGHTS | By: Christopher D. Kelley, David M. Dubin, John F. Shea | May 16, 2017
Effective March 2, 2017, the East Hampton Village Trustees enacted two important zoning code changes (Local Laws 5 and 6 of 2017), which changed a number of definitions, including “Flag Lot”, “Lot Depth”, “Lot Width”, “Lot Width, Rear”, “Playing...
INSIGHTS | By: Kathryn Dalli | October 15, 2015
If you own a home within the Town of Southampton and want to rent your home, whether it be annually, seasonally or monthly, it is imperative that you apply for and obtain a rental permit from the Town. If you already have rented your home without having obtained a...