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Land Use & Zoning

Twomey Latham’s attorneys routinely appear before the zoning, planning, and town boards of the various towns and villages on Long Island. This representation has included that before Suffolk County’s East End towns and villages, including Southampton, East Hampton, Shelter Island, Southold and Riverhead.

Typical cases involve subdivision approvals, site plan applications, new facility site plans, variances, special permits, zoning code amendments, and the development of master plans for municipalities.The firm is experienced with resolving the many issues that can stall or cancel development plans, including:

  • Variances
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Critical analysis of development plans, both large and small
  • Easements and right-of-ways
  • Permits and ordinances
  • Necessary zoning changes

The firm has assisted developers on substantial commercial projects in the middle of urban areas as well as in suburban and rural settings. In the course of obtaining approvals for these major projects, the firm actively assists in the preparation of environmental impact statements and architectural review. The firm also represents municipalities and intervenors in applying principles of land use planning environmental impact assessment, as well as in providing critical analysis of development plans both large and small.

Land Use & Zoning Attorneys

Our Long Island land use and zoning attorneys focus on providing clients in-depth knowledge of our diverse range of practice areas.

News & Insights About Land Use & Zoning

+1 631-920-4024