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Elder Law

Twomey Latham is a very skilled and knowledgeable source for Elder Law in Suffolk County. We will help you navigate all legal issues related to how aging affects our senior citizens and their families. Although most seniors are often trying to simplify their lives, it is when they reach an advanced age that life seems to become more complicated with problems arising from housing and finances to health and personal autonomy.

Advocating for the needs of clients and their caregivers requires the expertise in the intricacies of Elder Law. We have a dynamic and successful team of attorneys and paralegals that provide competent and compassionate guidance to those seeking estate planning and elder law counsel.

The firm’s Long Island Elder Law attorneys have expertise in:

  • Estate and tax planning
  • Medicaid planning
  • Preparation of wills, trusts, healthcare proxies, and powers of attorney
  • Providing counsel regarding Medicare, Social Security, long-term care insurance, reverse mortgages, and other real estate matters

The firm is devoted to providing each client with the highest level of representation with regard to his or her individual needs and the preservation of assets for their own benefit and/or the benefit of loved ones and favored charities.

Elder Law Attorneys

Our Long Island elder law attorneys focus on providing clients in-depth knowledge of our diverse range of practice areas.

News & Insights About Elder Law

+1 631-920-4024